360 Hospitality Solutions, was launched in January 2023, as the brainchild of four highly successful Quality Assurance Assessor’s operating in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry, Antoine Lombard, Franco Angileri, Heather Nel and Mark Goveia. Their skills and expertise vary, and this is why we are a formidable team.
One of the most important key elements in any business’ toolbox is consumer feedback via online reviews, surveys and ratings. Consumer experiences represent a critical set of KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) in your business because they help determine whether consumers like your product and / or service, whether they are likely to use your company again and whether they will refer people to make use of your company.
All 360 Hospitality Solutions clients will be provided with the technical ability to gain insight into all customer experiences, to respond when required and benchmark themselves against their competitors.
Our Vision, Mission and Objectives
The vision and purpose of the company is to recognise and improve the quality of facilities, product and services of all parties in the hospitality and tourism industry for the benefit of the consumer.
360 Hospitality Solutions aims to create a total quality management system, integrating various online feedback channels of our client’s consumer experiences within the hospitality and tourism industry.
Provide clients with a digital platform which integrates all online reviews, questionnaires, surveys, and consumer experiences.
- To analyze all this analytical data to provide a comprehensive report that will provide solutions to improve our client’s customer experiences.
- Provide a credible consumer driven rating system.
- To include all sectors supporting the hospitality and tourism industry.
- To offer an online Hospitality and Tourism Suppliers Verification Platform.
- To offer Consulting Services to the Hospitality and Tourism Industry.
Unashamedly Ethical
Unashamedly Ethical is a global movement of individuals and organisations guided by a founding vision to transform society by taking a stand for ethics, values and clean living.

FEDHASA is South Africa’s trusted association for the hospitality industry, representing all segments and all establishments under one banner and with one voice. We speak for the individual, as well as the collective, while offering expertise and guidance born from a long-standing history and established track record.

General Terms and Conditions of Engagement
Subscription Terms and Conditions
Form 2 – Request for Access to Record or Private Body
Form 3 – Outcome of Request and Fees Payable
For further information, contact our Compliance Officer at compliance-officer@360hospitalitysolutions.co.za